
Restaurant POS Integration with PRA


As a restaurant owner, you must be familiar with the fact that a POS system is essential for running a successful business. The digital Tax System in Pakistan has brought a visible change in governance patterns along with a seamless mechanism of tax calculation, payment, and sales tax return.

When your restaurant POS is integrated with other systems including PRA, it will become more lucrative for your business.

Let’s have a close look at how a Restaurant POS System works, what is restaurant POS integration with PRA, what are the features of CornPOS for a restaurant POS system, and how you can use it for optimal business growth and prosperity.

How Does A Restaurant POS System Work?
  • Unlike traditional POS systems in brick-and-mortar stores, a restaurant POS system works differently. A typical POS system works when a customer shops for the product, purchases the product, pays the bill at checkout, and processes the transaction. However, the restaurant POS integration system starts working when the customer places the order, it could be online or offline. The system then generates the invoices and inputs the receipts.
  • The POS system then streamlines communication with the kitchen staff for preparing food. The restaurant POS system will track inventory and provide data to the management regarding inventory stocks and supplies. The integration of a restaurant POS system with inventory control helps you inform your customers when particular food items will no longer be available.
  • Since the POS system has already printed the receipts, the payment transaction can be completed with no difficulty.
What is Restaurant POS Integration with PRA?

Simply put, a restaurant POS integration connects your POS with other software and systems. When we talk about integration with PRA, it means that we are connecting our restaurant POS with the Punjab Revenue Authority. This integration has become of utmost importance these days in Pakistan. Creating a seamless flow of sales data between various platforms is crucial for smooth business operations. In addition, it provides a single platform where all the transaction is linked with PRA.

PRA Integration for Optimal Business Growth

Businesses are adapting digital mechanisms to enhance documentation and transparency across the globe. In a similar spirit, PRA relentlessly forces retailers to connect their electronic invoicing systems (POS) with its software system for transparent sales and documentation.

Restaurant POS integration with the Punjab Revenue Authority simply denotes the connection between the retailer's POS software and the PRA tax collection system. The integration of restaurant POS with PRA serves the following objectives;

Real-Time Sales Data Sharing: since the real-time sales data is directly linked to PRA, it enables the government to ensure accurate and precise reporting of sales tax on time.

Electronic Invoicing System: the electronic invoicing system reduces errors, paperwork, and compliance issues, leading to increased transparency of financial transactions and taxation.

Automated Tax Calculation: With the integration of restaurant POS with PRA, the tax calculation becomes automated. The system calculates and deducts the sales tax from every customer purchase that ensres reduces tax evasion. It ensures that every customer is paying sales tax and is being deposited to the PRA account. The customer can also verify it using the QR code on their respites.

The POS integration with PRA has become obligatory for many businesses in Punjab, Pakistan including;

  • Retailers
  • Restaurants
  • Wholesalers
  • Distributors

Restaurant POS integration with PRA can unlock tremendous growth opportunities and potential operation efficiency for your business.

CornPOS Restaurant Integration with PRA

If you are operating a restaurant business in Pakistan, you just need a software solution that can cope with all the related operations efficiently. With the ability to deal with everyday restaurant operations, we offer CornPOS solutions to our business partners. It is not just software, it is a complete retail solution that is reliable, accessible, and easy to use.

CornPOS comes with all kinds of restaurant modules to help you manage entire business operations smoothly. From order tracking and invoice printing to order delivery, payment, and taxation, CornPOS can manage the whole restaurant billing system. It is an efficient software solution for modern restaurant business owners to get a seamless and time-saving working experience.

CornPOS integration allows seamless data sharing across different software. All the transactions of your restaurant business are linked with PRA software that can be used for taxation and other statutory proceedings.

Features of a CornPOS for Restaurant POS system

The functionality of a restaurant POS system allows managing staff to track and control customer orders efficiently. Let’s have a look at how the POS system improves restaurant functionality;

Ordering and Sales

Restaurant POS integration system makes ordering and sales easier. The system works on a single platform and eliminates the hassle of using multiple devices and hardware to store and process sales transactions. The system simply inputs customer orders, generates invoices, calculates the bills, and keeps records. To pay the bill and complete the transaction, customers can use debit or credit cards. The restaurant POS system makes the whole process simple, fast, and error-free, leading to an unmatched customer dining experience.

Restaurant Billing System Efficiency
Customized Options for Every Food Chain

We at CornPOS understand that every restaurant business has different food ordering and processing requirements. So our focus is on how we can customize our POS solution to meet the individual needs of every restaurant business running in Pakistan. CornPOS is the ideal software solution for all types of food businesses including fast food, fine dining, bistro, chain restaurants, pizzas, and more.

Easy To Use Unified Solution

CornPOS is an easy-to-use solution. No matter if you have a trained staff or not, CornPOS helps your staff to complete their daily tasks proficiently and effortlessly.

Restaurant Order Management

Restaurant POS integration also helps you manage customer orders more effectively. You can have direct access to all the operations from a single dashboard. This minimizes errors in order type and leads to faster order services.

Kitchen Display System

The restaurant POS integration with PRA system provides flexibility to the kitchen staff to view order types and manage the delivery timely. Ease of choosing from dine-in, take away or delivery options helps the staff to process the food order and payments immediately.

Final Thoughts

In this blog, we have explored why a Restaurant POS System should be the preferred choice for modern restaurants, why you should need it, and how it works. Hence, it can be concluded that a smooth and reliable management software improves the overall efficiency of the business.

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