
Fundamentals of PRA Integration

Whether small startups or large multi-location enterprises, you should list down the number of features, usability, and costs of a POS system before choosing one. However, with the advent in modern technology, cloud based Free POS Integration system has set the industry standard.

CornPOS provides free POS integration with the Punjab Revenue Authority to retail businesses in Pakistan, especially the restaurant sector. A POS system notably makes it faster and more convenient to manage your business. We at CornPOS provide free POS integration with PRA services to our retail partners to help simplify daily business transactions. POS integration can even help maximize profit.

Integration with Punjab revenue authority is mandatory for certain businesses in Pakistan. The rule aims to achieve the following objectives;

  • Reduce Tax Evasion
  • Improve Tax Compliance
  • Streamline Tax Calculation Processes
  • Boost Tax Revenue
  • Ensure Transparency In Sales And Audits

Pos integration rule applies to the following sectors of retail business;

  • Tier-1 retailer’s whose sale exceeds 1.5 billion PKR annually
  • Wholesale and distribution businesses whose sale exceeds 100 million PKR annually
  • Restaurants and cafes whose sales exceed 50 million PKR annually
  • Manufacturing businesses whose sales exceed 500 million annually

What Are The Drawbacks Of Non-Integration With PRA?

Businesses that don’t comply with the rules of PRA integration have to face the following circumstances;

  • Leal Action
  • Fines
  • Penalties
  • Suspension Of Business Operations

Pakistan aims to strengthen tax compliance and boost tax collection in the county through POS integration with PRA.

Reasons for Using Free POS Integration with PRA

It is important to know the reason why you should opt for POS integration and what benefits it can bring to your business. If you own a retail business in Pakistan, implementing a POS system is extremely beneficial. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using free POS Integration for your business.

A POS system is one of the best solutions that help make sales payments faster. The system automatically calculates the product’s price, deducts the charges and taxes, and prints the invoice. Depending on the payment method such as cash, debit, or credit card, the system completes the transaction in no time. Working with a POS system helps reduce time wastage. Your employees can be more efficient in completing other tasks.

Security of the Company’s Data

POS system ensures the security of business data. It is crucial to keep the company’s sales data secure and confidential. You need to make sure that important data can only be accessible to the authorized staff members. With a POS Integration with PRA system, CornPOS ensures that the data is secured from unknown users. Most POS system uses a double authentication method to reduce malicious interference in the system. If you are looking for a more secured POS solution, you can use our free cloud-based POS system. The cloud computing solution at CornPOS allows you to store the data automatically. Free POS Integration also benefits you in regards to sales updates as you can access the data anytime anywhere.

Technical Support

CornPOS provides technological and technical support to retailers. Our team ensures that your business POS system runs at peak performance without any inefficiency. By using CornPOS expert’s services you can be rest assured that your business data is secured and processed with utmost care.

Managing Multi-Stores

Managing a chain of stores is not an easy task. Each store in your network has a different need accord to customer purchasing patterns and preference. A Free POS Integration system can be upgraded to manage the chain of stores of a single network with efficiency. It will reduce the human workload of the company and help in better management. If you have more than one franchise in Pakistan, you can surely take CornPOS services to incorporate data between the stores. With CornPOS, making price changes, product promotion, addition of a new product, and many other aspects of a business can become simple and quick.

Automatic Reports

Creating manual reports of each transaction takes a lot of time and effort. It becomes even more difficult to compile, arrange, and analyze data if you are running at a large scale. Sometimes it becomes hectic to collect relevant information about a particular product to make new decisions. With a POS system, you can have automated reports at hand without any hassle. CornPOS is a platform where you can have access to relevant sales reports and data 24/7 and take a global view of the business.

In addition, a POS system creates reports catering to different aspects of the business including product pricing, discounts, purchases, contacts, inventories, etc. Thanks to the advanced features of a POS system that has make analysis easier than ever before.

Cost Reduction

With free POS integration services, you can lower your administrative costs. A point of sale has the ability to manage range of different activities through a single platform. It can considerably reduce the overall expenses of a business. By saving money, you can utilize it for other business operations and marketing campaigns.

How Does POS Integration With PRA Work?

Simply speaking, POS integration with PRA means connecting your restaurant data and accounting details with PRA on a single platform. With this integration, PRA can have access to detailed sales data directly from your POS system in real-time. The connection between the two helps restaurants make useful decisions while being verified tax payers.

Why POS Integration Is Needed?

POS integration with PRA is needed by law. All the retailers in Pakistan need to centralize sales data with FBR to provide real-time representation of business financial reports. The POS system also provides key information including;

  • Sales Summary
  • Profit And Loss Statement
  • Company’s Expenses 
  • Inventory Stocks
  • Labour Data

Free POS system has many other features that simplify operations such as;

Flash Reports

A POS system automatically tracks employee’s data and payroll information. The restaurant flash report about employees helps you minimize labor costs as well.

Smart Scheduling Of Employees

To run a successful business, you must ensure that your employees are working as efficiently as possible. Since POS provides historical data about payroll and labor costs, you can schedule employee's work to optimize productivity. Besides labor costs, you can also use a POS system to address labor issues in real-time.

Menu Preparation

When a POS system is integrated in your restaurant business, you can take smart decisions about creating most profitable menu list. Since sale data is synchronized, you can assess how much you hare selling and what are the popular menu items that you have to focus more on. It ensures that you make informed decisions about recipe costs and profit. Using a Free POS Integration system also helps restaurants to analyze whether a specific deal is overpriced or under priced, and where new pricing needs to be revised. You can also omit the items from your food menu which are high margin but low sales.

Bottom Line

A free POS integration with the company’s accounting and operations system makes a smart data-driven operational environment. POS integration empowers retailers, employees, managers, and suppliers to make decisions for running a profitable restaurant.

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